What to Write in a Follow Up Email

Post summary:

  • Whether you come across with sales reps or speak with customer back up, you'll find out very speedily that simply a small number of companies send follow up emails.
  • Our unique enquiry, which is based on 1,000 companies, found that less than iii% of all companies send a follow up email to their prospects or customers. But, why?
  • Nosotros share seven "copy and paste" e-mail templates that you tin can use to follow upwardly with customers immediately – including two real-life examples of how Apple follow up with their customers.

Good customer service creates happy and loyal customers.

The more than customers you lot can keep happy (and retain), the faster your business will grow.

Yet, for many companies, customer service stops one time an upshot has been solved.

Afterward that, you motility onto the side by side customer.

And then the next (and then on…).

What many companies forget to do is follow up.

Even though they're uncomplicated, follow-ups are often neglected.

In fact, post-obit upward is currently ranked equallythe third biggest challenge for sales teams.

biggest sales challenge is following up

And this causes a much bigger problem than you think.

Studies revealed that the optimal number of follow-up emails to send is two-3.
Yet, 48% of sales people don't follow upwardly even once, and 44% give upwards later on just 1 follow-up call. Meanwhile, 80% of sales require at to the lowest degree 5 follow-ups.

According to our own research, just 24 companies (out of one,000) sent a follow upwards email to their customers.

That'southward less than 3%.

Very few companies send a follow up email

Just really... how important is it to follow upward with your customers?

The truth is... it'southward very important!

In fact, it's become then important that poor follow-up is now cited as the biggest customer complaint.

A study by Harvard Business organization Review establish that 56% of customers complain about poor follow-up.

While 48% of customers that feel a poor follow-upward will go on to tell at least 10 people or more nigh their bad experience.

That's right.

Something as unproblematic as a follow-up ruins the entire customer experience, which, according to inquiry past Walker2020, is one of top factors for doing business with a company.

And so, to avoid customers turning their backs on y'all, yous need to follow up.

But, how?

The best way to follow up? Email.

There'southward are a wide range of ways you can follow up with your customers.

You can do it past phone, a letter, or even in person, but the well-nigh effective way is to follow up is by e-mail.

Email is quick to send, y'all can easily track comments and feedback, and best of all, it's scalable. Whether you follow upward with a select scattering of clients, or accept thousands of customers to contact, you tin do it all by simply using good former fashioned email.

But, how do you write a successful follow up email?

Before we provide you with the templates, I want to share a existent life example of how not to follow up with a prospect or customer. Below is the email example and then I'll explain why you shouldn't try to replicate information technology.

A real example of a follow up email from my inbox

At first, it appears innocent.

It'south a kindly written follow-up e-mail reminding me nearly a potential guest post on the SuperOffice web log.

Notwithstanding, what you lot tin't see here is my original reply. Yep, I responded to their original email with a polite "No thank you lot".

And so, why would they send a 2nd follow upwardly to me fifty-fifty though I had replied?

Either the electronic mail sequence was automated and it didn't recognize that I had replied or the person sending the electronic mail decided to ignore my response and try to change my mind in their second follow up.

Did it work? No. Of grade not.

Following up after rejection

Respect the follow upwards, but more than importantly, respect the response. Otherwise, information technology's spam.

7 follow up email templates for your customers

To help you transport a successful follow upwards electronic mail to a prospect or customer, we've prepared vii templates that y'all can copy and start using in your business concern today, including ii email examples used by Apple.

Each template covers a specific part of the customer follow-up process, so you can choose the templates that best fit the needs of your business.

1. The 'How Did Nosotros Do?' follow-upwardly electronic mail

Each time a customer contacts your support team, they expect a response.

So, it'due south important that you solve their outcome quickly and efficiently.

Once their outcome has been solved, you can ask them how yous did.

This template is designed to be sent to follow up with someone after they've contacted customer service and to make sure that they're entirely satisfied.

When should y'all send a follow up electronic mail? Like shooting fish in a barrel...when you feel you take done all yous can to help them!

The 'How Did We Do?' follow-up email

If yous don't have the selection to include a ratings scale, and then encourage your customers to reply past hitting 'answer'.

Depending on your visitor'south fashion and tone of vocalisation, you may wish to customize the signature to fit with your brand. For example, you tin personalize the e-mail and send information technology from the CEO, Head of Client Service, or even the customer service agent that they originally dealt with. Alternatively, yous can utilize your company name.

2. The 'Survey' follow-upwardly email

A ratings scale is a great way to get loftier volume responses, but if you're looking for more detailed feedback, you tin include a link to a survey within the follow up electronic mail.

Depending on the blazon of questions you inquire, this template gives you the opportunity to collect voice of client feedback, and get real insight into what your customers thinks of your company, your products, and your customer service team.

The 'Survey' follow-up email

If you are unsure what to ask your customers in the survey, here are five open-ended questions:

  1. Are you happy with the service that we have provided?
  2. Was the service knowledgeable and helpful?
  3. Were you served chop-chop?
  4. Did nosotros meet your expectations?
  5. What is the one affair we can do better?

While it'southward possible to encourage your customers to reply directly to the email, you should use a survey tool to collect all the answers your customers give you. Google, Typeform and Survey Monkey all offer free tools, and then creating a survey for your customers doesn't need to be expensive.

3. The 'Just Checking In' follow-up email

This purpose of this email is to delight and surprise your customers.

Far too often, businesses sell a product and then leave their customers to it.

Have you ever thought that your customers might need help or back up? Peradventure they are unsure quite how a product works or demand some more information. This template is a great way to build a longer-term human relationship. Best of all, it shows them that you care.

The 'Just Checking In' follow-up email

Different the first two templates, this electronic mail should be sent from a customer service agent, not a company proper noun or from the dreaded "Exercise Not Reply" email address. Sending this email from a person will assist the customer feel appreciated and listened to, which in turn is more likely to atomic number 82 to a response.

Rather than asking your customers to complete a web grade or transport an e-mail to a split up email address (feedback@company.com is not a solution), encourage them to reply direct to your team.

To create an even greater customer experience, include context past calculation the product or service they've purchased within the email. which y'all can import directly from your CRM software.

4. The 'Anything else?' follow-up electronic mail

It's mutual to solve an consequence, but non hear back from the customer.

What ordinarily happens here is that your customer support team will mark the outcome every bit solved and close the ticket. Simply, what happens if the customer hasn't had a adventure to read the email, or is just decorated?

The "anything else" email acts as gentle reminder on the status of the conversation and is a smashing style to close off a chat with a customer. By sending this out, it'south a polite follow-up electronic mail that gives the customer a adventure to ask annihilation else and feel entirely satisfied with the interaction, rather than being cut off short, or worse, feeling abandoned.

The 'Anything else?' follow-up email

For client service software users, this email can be sent out automatically and from a company proper name. However, effort to provide context to the original conversation, such as using the original field of study line or unique case ID/ number, so in that location is no confusion or miscommunication.

This e-mail should also state what will happen to their outcome if the e-mail is non responded to within a specific period.

5. The "Join united states" follow-upward email

One of our loyal readers, Lorie, left a comment asking me how she tin follow upward with a client who has signed up to the freemium version of their product but has not however subscribed to a paid program.

For companies that effort to convert freemium users into paying customers, you know this tin can be tricky!

Approaching any customer and asking for payment is frail. Simply, if you lot don't ask, then they may never become a paying customer and y'all lose out of new acquirement. Only if you are as well aggressive with the ask, then yous may scare the user off for good!

That'due south why we accept created the "Join us" template.

The "join u.s." template is a great style to follow upwardly with a user who y'all haven't communicated with recently. It's a fashion to check in with them and offer assistance, should they need it. Yet, information technology also doubles as a way to get them to subscribe.

The second half of the follow upwards email is a suggestion to "join" your community/ customer base of operations. By sending this email, you remind the user that there is a premium pick of your product or service and emphasizing the benefits of what they get when they become a paying customer.

Subscribe to paid plan follow up email

So, when to send this email?

Ideally, this email should exist sent 3-6 months after a user has signed up and only be sent to users who are not on a paid programme. To increment the likelihood of converting them into a paying customer, I would segment this follow up email fifty-fifty further and send it based on agile/ engaged users.

half dozen. (and seven.) The "Thank you" follow-upwards e-mail(s) from Apple

Apple tree is renowned for existence a customer service leader (scoring 93 out of a score from 100).

So, when I reached out to their customer service squad recently I had high expectations.

Of course, Apple existence Apple tree, not only did they encounter my expectations, but they far exceeded them!

Do y'all know what fabricated their service so swell?

The follow upwards email(south). That'southward right, plural!

Within two days of contacting the Apple Customer Success team, they had replied to my support request and, followed up with my email as I hadn't had time to respond.

Yep, they followed upwards with me. Information technology'due south Apple tree who sent a follow up electronic mail later on no response!

Another example of a follow up email from Apple

But, Apple didn't stop there.

Best in course customer service goes above and beyond the norm.

Once I responded, thanking them for handling the effect speedily, they followed up once again - to thank me for being dainty.

How astonishing is that?!

Follow up email example from Apple

Information technology's difficult to top this kind of service!


If you want to transform your client service procedures and print your customers, then start sending a follow up email to them. This simple, yet effective strategy is only used by 3% of all companies - representing a huge opportunity to proceeds a competitive advantage – and one that should not be missed!

Use these 7 follow upward emails for inspiration:

  1. The "How did we exercise" e-mail
  2. The "Survey" electronic mail
  3. The "Only checking in" electronic mail
  4. The "Anything else?" email
  5. The "Join united states of america" email
  6. The "Give thanks you" email
  7. The "Thank you again" email

These dissimilar types of emails have been created for specific points in the client journey.

Best of all, using these follow up templates will non only help you proceed your existing customers happy, merely it'due south a great mode to stand out against the competition and generate business from potential customers.

For more follow up email templates, download our free guide hither.

Client Service

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Source: https://www.superoffice.com/blog/follow-up-email/

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