How to Create Member Site to Upload Files Wix

How to Create a Wix Membership Site with MemberSpace

The ultimate footstep-by-step guide

📚 Contents

This guide will walk yous through all the steps needed to create and launch a successful membership site on Wix.

  • 👩‍🏫 ane. Larn the Basics of Wix
  • 🎬 two. Creating Content for Your Members
  • ✅ iii. Getting Started with MemberSpace
  • 🧭 iv. Setting Up Your Member Site Navigation
  • 🔑 v. Creating Signup and Login Pages
  • 🙅‍♀️ 6. Protecting Members-Only Content (Simplest Fashion)
  • 🚫 vii. Blacking Out Members-Only Content (More Secure)
  • 🔒 8. Adding Content Links to Member Pages (Most Secure)
  • 🙋‍♂️ 9. Moving Forward and Getting Assist

Wix is a versatile website architect. With Wix, you can create a website without needing in-depth coding knowledge. Non only is it simple, but the process besides doesn't accept very long. Wix Members Area is a great native tool to gear up a membership site. Simply for some cases, the tool's options might exist express. Because of the increased demand for more circuitous sites, we fabricated MemberSpace compatible with Wix. Follow this guide for step-by-stride instructions on how to create a Wix Members Expanse alternative with MemberSpace.

The first step in your membership site journey is to create the site itself. We will walk you lot through the basics of using the Wix editor. Armed with the tutorials in the following sections, y'all volition exist able to create a professional members-but area on your Wix site.

👩‍🏫 1. Larn the Basics of Wix

In this section, yous'll learn the basics of using the Wix editor to create and edit pages.

We will be walking you through the process of setting up your membership site in the Wix site editor. Yet, to save time, nosotros are going to assume you have already done the following:

  • Signed upwards for Wix account and plan

  • Chosen a Wix site template

  • Logged into the Wix Site Editor

In one case y'all have finished these tasks, you tin begin this guide.

Editing the Main Site Page

When you choose a template, Wix will set you lot up with a mock site. It will comprise filler images and text that should changed earlier your site launches. In this section, nosotros volition show y'all how to modify this content, too as how to add new elements, rearrange them, or delete them from the page birthday.

Removing Wix Page Content

After choosing a template, the first thing yous may desire to do is remove elements from the page. To delete an element, y'all demand to first select the element that you desire to delete.

Selecting an chemical element is easy - merely click information technology. When clicked, an chemical element will be encased in a block. This will show you what is role of the element and what is not. Once an element is selected, go to the right sidebar and click the trash icon.


This will delete the element immediately. If yous accidentally removed the element and would similar to add it dorsum, yous can follow the steps in the adjacent department (or click the Undo button in Wix's top navigation bar).

Adding New Wix Page Content

Now that you have learned how to remove content, yous can move on to adding page elements. Adding new content in Wix means that you will be interacting with the left Wix sidebar. This sidebar consists of eight icons, which represent different things you tin do with your Wix site.


Wix has many site features that can be easily added from their site editor, similar fully-functional contact pages, calendars, lightboxes, and more. However, walking you through adding all the different kinds of site features would take you all day to read. So instead we will be going over how to add the about commonly used site features.

Calculation Basic Elements (Text, Headers, Buttons, etc.)

To add together basic elements like text boxes and buttons, y'all volition need to click the "+" icon in the left sidebar. This is the third icon down.


This plus icon represents the "Add" button. When you lot hover over it, it will display the button name. If yous click it, it will open up a listing of bachelor elements you tin add together to your site.


In the window's blueish sidebar, yous will meet that the elements are divided into types. Hover over each type to see what elements are available. These elements will appear in the right side of the window. Yous tin whorl through this department to meet all the unlike elements available under each type. We recommend exploring this interface - at that place are many first-class elements to choose from!

Once yous have found an element you lot like, you lot can add it to your site by clicking the element, then dragging and dropping it onto your site.


Wix gives yous a lot of wiggle room when it comes to placing elements. While other site builders sometimes automatically align things for you, Wix allows you lot to place many elements right where y'all driblet them.

However, fifty-fifty Wix does take some restrictions. Some elements are location-specific. So, if you were to add a sidebar "Lightbox" element to your page, you may see that there is merely 1 option for placement. This ways that no matter where you lot drop the element, it volition appear in the sidebar.

You lot may likewise see a grayed-out portion of your editor when you lot are dragging a new element onto the site. The grayed-out portion indicates a location where the element is non compatible.

A Notation nearly Wix and Memberships. MemberSpace is non affiliated with the Wix "Member's Area" feature. MemberSpace is a third political party system. While the "Member'southward Area" feature requires you to purchase one of the Wix Business or eCommerce packages in club to use the feature's payment processing, this is not necessary for MemberSpace feature's payment processing to work on your Wix site.


Customizing Wix Menus

Menus are an important part of a website. They enable users to navigate through your site. Luckily, Wix makes it very like shooting fish in a barrel to customize menus. To begin customizing your site menus, go to the left sidebar and click the beginning icon. This is the "Menus & Pages" push button.

5-customizing-wix-menus-1.jpg This button will open an interface where you tin manage your site card and pages. To wait at your current bill of fare, make sure you have "Site Menu" selected in the interface's blue sidebar.


When the "Site Menu" selection is selected, the correct side of the window will display your electric current site'due south carte du jour. This menu will appear every bit the navigation for your site, though the design and placement may vary past site template. All the same, in this interface, y'all can rearrange the social club of items in your carte du jour by clicking on the item and dragging it to a new location in the list.


If you would like to create a drib-down, drag the page underneath ane of the other pages, making sure the page is indented when dropped. If a page is not indented, information technology will not appear in a driblet-down menu.

You can too admission additional options, like hiding a page from the menu, by hovering over the carte du jour item, then clicking the circumvolve with iii dots. This will open up a listing of extra options to assistance you create the menu you want.


Y'all tin also add pages in this interface, but we will be going over that process in detail afterwards in this guide.

Calculation Custom Media

Uploading your own images is usually necessary when building a site, though Wix has a keen library of useable images available to you. So how practice y'all add your own custom media?

The reply is in the left sidebar, the 5th icon down: the "Media" push button.

6-adding-custom-media-1.jpg The "Media" button will bring up a diversity of options, much similar the "Add" button. Withal, all of the options in the "Media" window pertain to website media, similar image, video, or audio files.

At the top of the window, in that location is a search bar that you can use to search through Wix's media library. Enter whatsoever search term at that place and the window will bring upwardly relevant results.


Underneath that, there is the "Upload Your Media" bar. This is where you tin add your ain custom content. In this section Wix offers several ways to upload your media: manual upload, Facebook, Instagram, Google Bulldoze, and Google Photos.

6-adding-custom-media-3.jpg You lot can also click any of these options to bring upward the "Upload Media" interface, which has additional upload methods.


Use whatsoever of these methods to upload your custom media to your website editor. Once uploaded, your image will announced in the "Choose Media Files" window. In this window, y'all can click on media you desire to add together to your folio. In one case you have selected your media, click the "Add to Page" button in the bottom correct corner.


When you click this push button, the image will be deposited onto your electric current folio.


You lot will likely need to adapt it by moving information technology to a new location. For instructions on how to move elements, read the next section.

Moving Wix Folio Content

Y'all tin can fine-tune your site design by moving elements around. To do and then, hover over the chemical element you would like to move. A box will announced around the element, showing you what that element contains.

To move the element, brand sure that the 4-pointer cursor is showing when you hover over the element. When it is, click and drag the chemical element to its new spot.

7-moving-wix-content-1.jpg Wix gives you free movement and then that you can place your elements where you want. However, the free motility comes at the expense of snapping the elements into alignment. To counteract this, Wix supplies majestic guiding lines to assistance you align elements.

7-moving-wix-content-2.jpg If you brand an accidental modify (or you simply don't like how information technology turned out), yous tin can click the "Undo" button in the top navigation bar of the Wix editor.

7-moving-wix-content-3.jpg Similarly, if yous want to get a modify back that you previously undid, hit the "Redo" button to the right of the "Undo" push.


Editing Wix Page Elements

Wix has many ways you tin can edit your elements, many of which are specific to the element itself. While we tin't get over every single editing selection Wix gives yous, we can tell you where to locate these editing options.

The outset location is in the right sidebar. This sidebar is the same 1 we talked about in the Removing Wix Page Content department. Withal, removing elements isn't the only useful choice in this sidebar. It also gives you boosted editing options for the selected element.


Editing options include arrangement, alignment, duplication, size adjustment, position motion, and more. One of the keen things nigh the Wix editor is that most things are labeled. Then if you hover over any of the icons in the left sidebar, a tooltip will appear with the purpose of the option.

8-editing-wix-page-elements-2.jpg The second location where you can find editing options is on the chemical element itself. When you click an element, a row of editing options will announced above information technology.

8-editing-wix-page-elements-3.jpg The editing options will vary based on the element y'all select, just - just like with the sidebar - if you hover over the icons, a tooltip will appear with the option'south purpose.

🎬 two. Creating Content for Your Members

In this department, you'll learn how to organize and create content pages for your members.

Now that you know your manner effectually the Wix editor, we are now going to walk you through some elements that are commonly included on a Wix members area.

Website design is very subjective. There'south tons of information out there, some of information technology conflicting, about how to pattern a website. That's why, instead of telling you exactly how to design your site, nosotros are going to bear witness y'all some common elements and methods we have seen used successfully.

While virtually membership sites require some version of the elements we are about to comprehend, the style you lot become near displaying them is completely up to you.

Fellow member Login/signup

The offset particular you want to include on your site'southward main page is a way for users to become to the membership login or signup expanse.

If someone finds your site and wants to sign up, you desire to go far equally easy as possible for them to do so. That means including a link, having a pop-up, or something that will point the user to the login or signup process.


And the login and signup processes don't demand to exist together. They can accept dissever entrances.

Neither the signup nor login chemical element accept to have upwardly the bulk of the primary folio. On the opposite, it tin simply be a link in the top navigation or a small section of the page.


You can get creative, too. Come up with your own unique location. However, we do recommend yous have it in a visible place and then prospective and existing members will be able to observe the login and signup processes easily.

Members-Only Content

Once members are signed in, y'all want them to be able to find the members-just content. Some choose to hibernate content until a user is logged in, while others allow non-member users to click on existing content, then offer them a signup/login grade they demand to complete before viewing the page.

Regardless of whether yous choose to display content to non-members, you may still want to include the archway to member content somewhere on the main page for members who have already logged in.

Pro Tip: if you choose to allow content to be clicked before signing in, MemberSpace has a not bad login/signup pop up you can utilize. Nosotros'll cover how to set that up later in this guide.

Setting Upwards Other Wix Pages

Once your chief page is finished, it's fourth dimension to start branching out into new pages.

New pages are essential to a membership site. While many other websites tin subsist on a unmarried page, a membership site almost always needs more than than one page. Whether considering of various types of content, a login/signup folio, or more, membership sites are naturally complex.

To create a new page, get to the left sidebar within the Wix editor. Click the "Menus & Pages" icon. This volition bring up the Site Card interface. Once in that location, go to the bottom of this interface and click the "+ Add Folio" button.

10-setting-up-other-wix-pages-1.jpg This will automatically add together a new page in the menu bureaucracy and take you to your newly created page. Your first step later on creating a page should exist to proper name it and suit it how you want it in the menu.


Recall that you can click and drag pages in the Site Carte du jour interface to modify their arrangement.

Once you have named and bundled your page, you can click out of the Site Carte interface and begin customizing your site.

✅ 3. Getting Started with MemberSpace

In this department, we'll show you lot how to get started with MemberSpace and install it on your Wix site.

Now that you lot know the Wix nuts, nosotros tin move to implementing a Wix members expanse on your site. These next sections will walk y'all through how to set upward MemberSpace to transform your Wix site into a fully-functional membership.

Installing MemberSpace on Your Wix Site

Before you can begin using all of MemberSpace'south membership features, you first need to install MemberSpace on your Wix site. To do this, you must log in to your MemberSpace account.

In one case you have logged in, go to the top navigation menu and click the "Customize" button. One time there, click "Integrations"., followed by Wix


This will accept you to a page where yous volition see MemberSpace's bachelor Integrations. Once you lot're there, click on Wix to find your installation code. Click the "Re-create" button at the superlative of the page to copy this code.


Next, go to your Wix Dashboard. The Wix Dashboard is the page you go to in order to access the Wix site editor.


In the left sidebar, click "Settings." This will take y'all to the Site Settings page. On this folio, render to the left sidebar and click "Tracking & Analytics."

11-installing-memberspace-on-your-wix-site-4.jpg This will bring up the Tracking Tools & Analytics page. Click the "Custom" selection.


Note that you will need to accept an upgraded Wix program in order to complete this footstep. Tracking & Analytics is not available on the free Wix version.

Paste the code you received from MemberSpace into the available field below, "Paste the code snippet here." Once you lot take done that, enter a name into the "Proper name" field. This can exist anything you want - information technology won't affect the balance of the implementation. Then, in the "Add Lawmaking to Pages" section, brand certain "All Pages" is selected and is set to "Load lawmaking one time."

Next, go to the "Place Code in" section and make sure "Caput" is selected. This will make sure the code is placed in the site's header code.

11-installing-memberspace-on-your-wix-site-6.jpg Once you have finished, click the "Apply" button at the lesser of the page.

You lot will need to make sure that you have a live domain connected to the website, not a default subdomain. If yous practise, this can mess up the MemberSpace integration. If you need assistance connecting your domain to the Wix website, see Wix's instructions here.

If you practise update your domain, be sure to return to the MemberSpace backend and update the website address. You tin can do this by going to the MemberSpace backend and clicking "Customize" in the superlative navigation bar. One time there, click the "Continued Websites" option. This will prove you your continued websites. Find your site and click the "Edit Site" link. A page volition appear with your site data.


In the designated field, enter your full website accost, then click the "All Done" push.

Automatic Login/signup Button Options

When MemberSpace is installed on Wix, it automatically adds a black Login/signup button in the lesser right corner of your website. This push button will appear on every folio.

This is to assistance yous become started with your membership site. If you prefer the button to be located elsewhere, you can contact our support team for help moving the button to a different spot.

If you would like to utilize another grade of signup/login (like an embed or popup, which we will cover after in this guide), the default push can be completely removed by post-obit these steps:

Log in to your MemberSpace business relationship. In the upper navigation bar, click "Customize." Once within the "Customize" interface, click "Integrations"


On the next page, click on "Wix" detect the "Display the Login/signup" checkbox and uncheck it.


Keep in mind that if yous remove the default login/signup button, then y'all volition definitely need to implement another mode for members to log in. We will encompass some ways to do this in the upcoming sections.

🧭 4. Setting Upwards Your Fellow member Site Navigation

In this section, you'll acquire how to create navigation so your members can find their way around your site.

Now that MemberSpace is successfully set up on your Wix site, you lot tin can first adding in its membership features.

The first feature nosotros are going to encompass is how to set upwardly your fellow member navigation. Member navigation is important to whatever membership site. It is the portal through which your members will interact with your offer and where they will instinctively go when searching for something new.

How y'all ultimately create your site navigation is upwardly to yous, only we have two fellow member-specific navigation methods others take used successfully in the past: a members-only navigation page and a members-only drib-down card.

Members-Only Navigation Folio

A members-merely navigation page works equally a homebase for your members. Once they log in, they volition go to this page to access all the content their membership makes bachelor to them.

To add a members-only navigation folio, you lot must first add together a page in Wix and design it to your liking. This is an excellent place to show members what content they have access to and direct them to the dissimilar categories of your offer. Refer back to the Learning the Nuts of Wix for instructions on how to add and design pages.

When pages are created in Wix, they are automatically added into the peak navigation menu. If you would prefer to keep it off-menu, click the "Card & Pages" icon in the left sidebar, find the navigation page and click its corresponding three dots button. In the drop-down, select "Hide."


This will hide the page from your tiptop navigation.

Once you have designed the folio, it'due south time to add together it as a fellow member page in your MemberSpace business relationship. This volition go on non-members from existence able to access the folio.

In society to add the navigation folio in MemberSpace, you must first observe the page's URL. You can discover it past going to your Wix editor and clicking the "Menu & Pages" icon in the left sidebar.


Once y'all accept done that, notice your called page in the "Site Card" interface. Hover over it, so click the circle with iii dots within of information technology.


A list will appear with more options. Click the "Settings" option. This will take you to the page'due south Settings interface.

At the top of the Settings interface, click the "SEO (Google)" tab, and then scroll to the "What'south this page URL?" section. This will show yous what the electric current page's URL is.


You will need to remember this URL and so that you can add information technology to your MemberSpace Member Page list in the next step, so we recommend copying it.

Once you know the folio's URL, log in to your MemberSpace account, then click "Member Pages" in the top navigation bar. This will take you to the Member Pages interface. In the left sidebar, click the "Add Fellow member Page" button.


Clicking that button will take y'all to a form for you lot to fill up out well-nigh the page. On this page, enter the folio's URL (that you lot found earlier) and select how before long after signup this folio should exist available to members.


If you want to add this as the default folio where members are taken after signing in, you can do so by changing the "After signup - send members to this URL" or "After Login - send members to this URL" in your Member Plans settings.


Members-Merely Drop-Down in Top Navigation

The other option is to create a members-only drop-downwardly in your site'due south meridian navigation bill of fare. This is fairly straightforward and only requires you to rearrange your bill of fare items in Wix's Site Menu interface.

To ready this upwards, log in to your Wix editor, and so get to the left sidebar and click the "Menu & Pages" icon. This will open up the Site Menu interface. One time there, you tin arrange your pages into a drop-downward by clicking and dragging them underneath another folio.


Make sure that the page is indented beneath the tiptop-level page. Otherwise, it volition yet appear to exist a top-level card item. Note that the acme-level folio volition be the one that is displayed on the navigation bar, so when someone hovers over information technology, the drib-down will announced.


Yous can align the pages every bit yous want them to appear in the drop-downward. As always, click the "Publish" push button in the correct corner to make the changes live.

🔑 v. Creating Signup and Login Pages

In this section, we'll prove different ways people can signup and login to your Wix members expanse.

Creating signup and login pages is necessary for any functioning membership site. Still, you have a lot of options about how to become about incorporating the signup or login interface into your site.

MemberSpace provides both embedded and pop up signup/login interfaces that work with Wix.

Calculation a Login/signup Pop Up to Wix

There are 2 options for calculation a login/signup pop upwardly to your site. The outset option is to add the pop up to a card, which volition summon the popular upward when users click the link. The 2nd pick is to add together the popular up to a specific page. When added in this way, the pop up will be embedded somewhere in the folio as a link or a button

Adding a Pop Up to Meridian Navigation

If you choose to add a popular up to your navigation, yous must beginning past entering your MemberSpace account and clicking "Customize" in the peak navigation card. This will have you lot to the customization folio with a listing of options. Click "Integrations."


Once on the Integrations page, click the "Wix" push. This will open the area that holds the installation, login and signup codes.

login and signup codes

Once in that location, detect the pop upwards you want (in that location are two options - a login/signup pop up and a signup only pop up) and click the "Re-create" button to copy the pop up code.

login and signup codes

Once you have copied the pop up code, you tin go back to your Wix site editor. In the Wix editor, click the "Menus & Pages" icon again. Then, click the link icon at the lesser of the interface.


This will open a page where you tin add together an external link equally a menu item. Brand sure "Web Accost" is selected in the left sidebar of the interface, and so paste the code you copied earlier into the "What's the web address (URL)?" field. By doing this, every time the link is clicked, it will summon the pop up form. When finished, click the "Done" button.

The new link volition appear in your carte. Don't forget to proper name it something that reflects its purpose, such as "Log in" or "Sign Up."

Note: Recall that yous demand to publish the site for changes like this to get live. You will also need to publish the site in guild to properly test MemberSpace code in a Wix site - information technology won't work in the Wix editor.

To non-members(or members who are non logged in), this link will summon the login/signup popular up. Still, when logged-in members click this link, the pop upwardly will appear as a "Your Account" link. Members can then apply this link to access their business relationship and make changes, such as changing electronic mail, viewing invoices, updating payment methods, etc.

Calculation a Pop Upward to a Specific Page

Adding a pop up to a specific page tin work well, especially for signups. Yous can use the pop up in whatsoever interactive element that utilizes a link. For instance, you could use a push or a link in text.

So, if you lot were to add a pop up to a specific page, you must beginning by inbound your MemberSpace account, clicking the "Customize" tab, selecting "Install Options," then clicking the gray "More link options" button. This will bring upwards the popular upward options. Detect your desired pop up, then click the "Copy" push to copy the popular up code.

login and signup codes

One time you have copied the popular upwards code, yous can go back to your Wix site editor.

In one case there, click the "Menus & Pages" icon, and click the page where you want the popular upwardly placed. Doing this volition take you lot to that folio's editor.


Once there, add the element that yous would similar to initiate the popular up.


Depending on the element, the method for adding the link text may differ. Simply in all cases, paste the lawmaking you copied earlier in place of the URL. Doing so will add together the code necessary to initiate the login/signup pop up with MemberSpace.

So, for example, if y'all were to add together a button, yous would select the chemical element, and then click its link icon to access its link interface.


Once at that place, make sure "Web Address" is selected in the left sidebar, then paste in the MemberSpace code to the "What'south the Web Accost (URL)?" field.

16-adding-a-pop-up-to-a-specific-page-6.jpg You can style the link's element however you lot want. It will non bear upon the popular up functionality.

Note: Remember that you lot need to publish the site for changes like this to get alive. You lot volition besides need to publish the site in lodge to properly test MemberSpace code in a Wix site - it won't work in the Wix editor.

Just like the top navigation pop upwards, logged-in members will see a "Your Account" version of the popular upward instead of the login/signup interface. This gives them the power to access their account and make changes, such equally changing email, viewing invoices, updating payment methods, etc. Members who are not logged in and non-members will instead meet a login/signup pop up.

Embedding a Login/Signup in a Page

If y'all prefer to embed your login/signup form into a page, y'all can practise and so using the MemberSpace embed feature. MemberSpace supplies the code for the form embed, so all you have to do is paste the code into your Wix page.

You can find the embed code in the aforementioned place every bit the pop up options. Enter your MemberSpace account, click the "Customize" tab, select "Install Options," then click the gray "More than link options" button. This volition bring upward the actress login/signup codes. Once you have found the embed lawmaking, click the "Copy" push to copy the embed code.

copy login embed code

Once copied, return to the Wix site editor and navigate to the page y'all want to add the embed form to.

When you lot have arrived on the page, go to the "Add" icon so select "More than" from the Add interface'southward left sidebar. Choose "Embeds" from within the More than categories, then click "HTML iframe" on the right side of the interface.


The HTML iframe will be added to the page. In the element'southward personal editing options, click the "Enter Code" button.

17-embedding-a-login-signup-in-a-page-3.png Paste the MemberSpace code yous copied earlier into the bachelor field.


The lawmaking will automatically turn the class into a login/signup course that both prospective and existing members can use.

Note: As before - remember that you demand to publish the site for changes like this to go live. Yous volition as well need to publish the site in order to properly test MemberSpace code in a Wix site - testing MemberSpace code is not possible in the Wix editor.

As with the pop up login/signup forms, logged in members will see a "Your Business relationship" version of the form instead of the login/signup interface. From here, they volition be able to access their account and make changes, such as changing email, viewing invoices, updating payment methods, etc. Not-members and members who have non logged in will see a login/signup course.

🙅‍♀️ 6. Protecting Members-But Content (Simplest Fashion)

In this section, you lot'll learn the easiest and simplest way to protect your member-only content pages.

Now that you have equipped your site with the necessary login/signup features, you can move on to adding your members-only content.

Calculation Member-Only Pages

We touched on this earlier in the guide when we were going over how to add members-simply navigation. Notwithstanding, you can too gear up an entire page to only be attainable by your members.

To do this, you must first build the page in Wix and observe the page's URL (which you can do past going to the "Menus & Pages" interface, clicking the three dots next to the name of the page, clicking the "Settings" option, then clicking the "SEO (Google)" section).

When you have congenital the folio and found its URL, go to your MemberSpace account and click "Member Pages" in the peak navigation carte du jour. This will take you to the Member Page interface. One time there, click "Add Member Page" in the left sidebar.

Protect Member Pages

This will have you lot to a form to make full out most your page. You will need to enter:

  • The link to the page (that you found earlier)

  • When the folio should exist available: Protected page available

Fill out these fields, then click "Add At present." This will add the page to the list of members-simply pages. MemberSpace will protect this page from beingness accessed past non-members.

🚫 7. Blacking Out Members-Only Content (More than Secure)

In this section, we'll evidence you how to make your member-only content pages even more secure.

Content is the foundation of a membership site. You need to be sure that only your members tin can access it. You put your time and effort into creating the content; no one should be able to circumvent your system and access your resources for free.

That'south why MemberSpace has built ways to protect your content and keep it truly members-only. By default, members-simply content is kept from not-members, simply we have come up with an extra level of security to proceed even the nearly determined non-fellow member from getting around the membership wall.

This extra layer of security blacks out your pages for non-members.

When non-members access a non-blacked out member page, the page may show on the screen for a second or two before they are told it's members-simply content. With a blacked out folio, at that place is no cursory blip. It is consistently hidden from the not-member.

A blacked out page besides helps if someone with advanced technical noesis tries to bypass the membership pay wall. Users may disable their JavaScript in an attempt to get around the automatic redirect to the signup/login form. If they endeavor this and page is blacked out, they are still kept from seeing the folio.

Blacked out pages likewise deter search engines from automatically indexing your members-only pages along with the rest of your site.

While not-members and search engines will get a blacked out page, your members will be able to log in normally and see the page as information technology was intended.

To black out pages, you need to log in to your MemberSpace business relationship and click on "Member Pages" in the summit navigation menu.


This volition take you to the Member Pages interface. Once there, go to the left sidebar and click "Add together Extra Security."


Yous will be taken to the coma pages interface. At the top of the folio, you volition see a code. Y'all tin can use this lawmaking in your Wix interface to coma your chosen pages.To copy this code, just click the "Copy" button.


At present, go to your Wix backend. Note that this is the Wix backend and not the Wix site editor. The backend is the interface yous must become to right earlier entering the Wix editor. Once there, become to the left sidebar and click "Settings."


And so, gyre downwards the left sidebar and click "Tracking & Analytics."

24-protecting-your-members-only-content-5.jpg This will bring up the Tracking Tools & Analytics interface. In the upper right corner of this interface, click the blueish "+ New Tool" button. Doing this volition bring up an interface where you can prepare which pages you would like blacked out.

Note that y'all will need to have a paid Wix program in guild to complete this stride. Tracking & Analytics is non available on the free Wix version.

In the interface, paste the code you lot copied from MemberSpace into the "Paste the code snippet here" field. Then, enter a name for the snippet. This tin exist anything yous want - it will non touch the code's efficacy. Then, in the "Add Code to Pages" department, select "Choose specific pages" and select the pages yous would similar to be blacked out. Information technology's important to select the correct pages here. Y'all don't desire to accidentally black out a page for all site visitors.

Lastly, in the "Place Lawmaking in" section, select "Torso- offset." Doing this will place the code in the beginning of the site'southward torso code, which is where it needs to exist in order to function properly.


Once you have washed this, y'all volition need to publish the site before changes can accept place. Y'all tin can publish past clicking the "Publish" push button in the top right corner of the screen.

🔒 8. Adding Content Links to Member Pages (Most Secure)

In this section, you lot'll learn the most secure fashion to protect your member-but content.

If you want to add content that is attainable to members via link (like a download, a pop up, etc.), you can do that with MemberSpace'southward content links.

With content links, you supply the file and MemberSpace makes sure the user is signed in earlier letting them see/download the item.

Content links work with:

  • PDF

  • Videos

  • Audio (MP3 only)

  • Images

  • HTML

  • Miscellaneous files

To create a content link, you lot must kickoff add together its file to MemberSpace then nosotros can create a link that will protect it from non-members. To do this, log in to your MemberSpace account and click "Member Pages" in the pinnacle navigation carte. One time you're in that location click on "Content Links" at the bottom left corner of the screen.


This will take you to the Content Links page. To add together a new content link, click the "Add Content Links" in the left sidebar. This volition bring upwardly the content upload page.

Now, as y'all can see, in that location are three content link options:

  • Miscellaneous Files (which you are on by default)

  • HTML

  • Videos


These 3 unlike content types have different steps for adding them as content links. You can find an overview of each process below.

File Content Links (PDF, Sound, Images, Misc. Files)

Use this page to upload the content for your link. You can either drag and driblet the file into the file upload surface area, or your tin click the file upload surface area to bring upwardly the file interface.

Once you take uploaded a file, click "Done Uploading" in the upper left corner.

Upload content links

This volition return you to the main Content Links page.

HTML Content Links

If y'all wish to add HTML, render to the Add Content Links page and click the "Add HTML" push button.

Upload HTML as a Content Links

This volition modify the page to a grade where you tin can enter the HTML, choose the content's availability, and establish which plan has access.

21-html-content-links-2.jpg When finished, click the "Add together At present" button. You volition be taken to the Add Content Links page where yous can either cull to add more content links or click "Done Uploading" to finish the upload process.

Video Content Links

You can add videos hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia as content links in MemberSpace. MemberSpace ensures that videos from these sources tin be embedded on your Wix site in a way that only allows members to admission them.

To add a video content link, click the "Add Videos" button at the superlative of the Add Content Links interface.


You volition then need to fill out a form (which is very similar to the HTML content link form). This form will inquire for the video's URL, the content's availability, and institute which programme has admission to the video.

Since MemberSpace merely accepts videos that are already hosted on YouTube, Vimeo, or Wistia, the formats for the URLs are important.

Recommended Youtube URL Format


Recommended Vimeo URL Format


Recommended Wistia URL Format


When finished filling out the form, click the "Add Now" button. You will be taken back to the Add together Content Links page where you tin either cull to add more than content links or click "Washed Uploading" to finish the upload process.

Videos are harder to keep secure since there isn't a known solution to keep people from simply recording the video. Withal, we practise take some video security all-time practices nosotros recommend. You can read more near these in our noesis base article.

Adding Your Content Link to Wix

Now that your content has been successfully uploaded, y'all can add it to a Member Plan. On the main Content Links folio, discover your new content link and click its respective "Add programme access" link.

Adding plan access to your MemberSpace Content Links This will open the access plan form. You will be asked to fill in:

  • Championship

  • When the content should be made bachelor

  • What members can practice with the content

  • Which Member Program has access


When you lot have finished filling out the form, click the "Update Now" button. Once updated, you lot volition be able to admission the link to use the content on your Wix site.

To get the actual content link, get to the main Content Links page and click the "Copy" button next to the added content.

Copy Content Links Code

Then, go to your Wix site editor and navigate to the page that you lot want to add the content link to.

Once you are in the editor, you can add any element that accepts links (like a button or text).

In one case added, paste the link into the element's slot for URLs. For example, if yous chose to use a button, you would click the button chemical element to bring upwardly its editing bar, then click the link icon.

23-adding-your-content-link-to-wix-4.jpg This would have you to the link interface where yous could add the content link. Make sure y'all have "Web Address" selected earlier calculation the link.


While the content link needs to exist present for the element to piece of work, experience free to customize the element's design withal you lot like.

If yous were to cull to embed the content link in text, the process is similar. Yous would add a text element to your folio using the "Add together" interface.

Then, type whatsoever text you desire. In one case your text is there, you can add the content link by highlighting your existing text and clicking the link icon in the text element'due south editing toolbar.


This will again bring you to the link interface, where you lot should select "Web Accost" from the sidebar, so add the content link into the link field.


This will embed your link in the text, and then when a user clicks it, it will execute the action you lot chose for the content (i.e. download, popular up, etc).

As with all MemberSpace-specific code, you volition need to publish the page before testing it. Information technology volition non work every bit intended in the Wix editor.

🙋‍♂️ 9. Moving Forward and Getting Help

Now information technology'southward over to you! And remember, nosotros're always here if you need assistance setting up your Wix members area.

Those are the basic steps for setting upwards a membership site with Wix and MemberSpace. If you need any additional help, contact our support team. They would love to aid you get the most out of MemberSpace and help you arts and crafts the best members surface area possible.

💡 For more information and inspiration, bank check out our complete guide to building a Wix membership business organization.


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