Movies You Didnt Know Were Christain

Almost Yusha

Yusha Evans Bio

He was born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina in a very conservative Christian home. In his early teens he became heavily involved in the church building well-nigh his abode and in Immature Life, a not-denominational youth oriented organisation with the intention of becoming involved in the ministry of instruction and preaching.

He intended to enroll in Bob Jones University, a globe-renowned Bible College in his hometown upon graduating high schoolhouse, just in the summertime of 1996 his life changed. Upon studying the bible from embrace to cover and realizing many things were askew, and a lot of what he believed his entire life was not in line with what his research found, he left Christianity and went in search of the truth. Later many twist and turns, ups and downs and after looking at the many globe religions searching for the tangible proof of the correct way of life he encountered a Muslim, and was given a Qur'an. After reading the Qur'an cover to cover he accustomed Islam in the winter of 1998.

Yusha (Joshua) Evans Currently travels the globe every bit a lecturer and caller to Islam, too as pedagogy workshops that accept taken him all across the world. He has been pivotal in establishing  Islamic telly stations in North America as well has appeared on many Islamic stations throughout the earth. He has been pivotal in the call to islam and bringing people to the religion, as well as bringing non practicing muslims dorsum to the organized religion globally for over a decade

He has studied under numerous teachers and scholars in the various sciences of Islam and is a Psychology major. He holds both a bachelors and masters caste in the field of Islamic sciences with specialty in Da'wah (Islamic propagation) He is currently pursuing his doctorate under the tutelage of Shaykh Waleed Al-Menesse, one of the worlds foremost Scholars in the Qur'an and its various sciences.

Yusha currently runs an online gaming community chosen MGL (muslim gamers league) with thousands of youth interacting in a family unit friendly moderated environment and has a very active streaming community on twitch. His discord is and his twitch streams can be found at

He also is a multiple discipline Blackness belt holder and has ran martial arts academies in the past



In his own words:

(Taken from a newspaper interview)

In what faith were you raised?
I was raised in Greenville, S.C. with a very strict Methodist upbringing.

How involved were you in Christianity?
I was actually going to a pocket-size Bible college in Greenville through our church building and really had an intention to enroll in Bob Jones University. My intention was to go a government minister or a missionary. I too had interest in becoming a Bible scholar, and I was learning to read the Bible in Hebrew and Greek.

When did you lot convert to Islam, and why?
It was in December of 1998. After reading the Bible perhaps six or vii times, cover to cover, analytically, I began to realize there were a lot of inconsistencies, contradictions. This confusion led me to go out Christianity altogether and I started searching other religions, Buddhism, Taoism – every kind of "ism" that's out in that location – and none of them seemed to have a clear truth. 1 day I ran into a Muslim. He invited me to a Friday worship service and when I saw Muslims praying it was almost like a light went off in my head. I asked for a re-create of the Quran. I read it embrace to cover in one week, and that was enough.

How difficult was the decision to become a Muslim?
The conclusion was non very difficult. The difficulty came after the decision.

Did your family have difficulty accepting your conversion?
My old-fashioned grandmother – I was raised by my grandmother – information technology was hard for her to assimilate. And my mother, who is a Baptist, and my father, he's a Christian and a freemason, information technology was not easy for him. But it was harder for my extended family, many of whom are involved in politics in South Carolina. It was people trying to talk me out of it and non and so much an open condemnation, merely yous could feel the cold shoulder of the family unit.

How exactly does one convert to Islam?
If you believe in your heart that there is no God simply Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, so you must brand something called shahada – open up testimony, an open declaration. Y'all do that before anybody who can be witness to this. I did it at a Muslim brother's home late in the night. At that place'southward null like a ritual that yous have to become through.

How much has Islam inverse your life?
After I left Christianity I started heading down the incorrect road, being 17 years former and being confused by the world. Islam put me back on a right perspective and even my family sees it has made me a much ameliorate and a much better-rounded person than I ever could have been.

Has your conversion changed your understanding of yourself?
I don't experience it's changed my understanding of myself. Only I finally feel I have made a existent connectedness with something greater than myself. I feel with Islam that a connection has finally been made with the creator, and when you lot feel a connection like that, there's no way information technology cannot modify you.

Practise you lot encounter your adopted faith as the ane true organized religion, and would you recommend information technology to anyone else?
I admittedly would recommend it – not as the one truthful religion separate from everything else, but every bit the merely truthful religion the creator has ever given to humanity most every religion has claimed some form of truth in it. But Islam is the only religion that has contained its originality and its truthfulness over its 1,400-twelvemonth span. Nosotros believe it's the same religion preached since Abraham, since Adam, because God is not someone who changes his style of life for humanity.


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